Academic Open Internet Journal

ISSN 1311-4360

Volume 18, 2006






V. Murali Bhaskaran1                     A. M. Natarajan2                        S. N. Sivanandam3

  1. Research scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai,Erode-638052, Tamil Nadu, India. e-Mail:
  2. Principal, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode-638052, Tamil Nadu,  India. e-Mail:
  3. Professor and Head,  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PSG college of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. e-Mail:





Internet Protocol (IP) packet traceback system is to identify the origin of sequences of IP packets when the sources IP packet address of these packets are spoofed. IP packet traceback is usually performed at the network layer, with the help of routers and gateways. Several approaches have been proposed to trace IP packets to their origin. The packet marking approach enables routers to probabilistically mark packets with partial path information and tries to reconstruct the complete path from the marked packets. In the most of these approaches, routers and victims (affected systems) are considerably overloaded for marking the packet and reconstructing trace path and also more marked packets are required. This paper focuses on tracing the approximate source of attack with a single packet, with the spoofed source address, without computation by victim. Also, the method helps to identify and eliminate the malicious traffic from bad source. In addition, it also provides more bandwidth for effective traffic from the poor sources to the victim in a single Internet Service Provider (ISP) domain. It is implemented using NS-2 simulator.


Keywords: Victim, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Traceback, Routers, Spoofing, IP Packets


1. Introduction


Each Internet packet in the Internet carries a destination address and a source address.  The network routers use the destination address while forwarding the packets. The source address is only needed by the final destination to reply. Like the Indian postal return addresses, the source address is ignored or can be forged or spoofed. Normal network applications provide legitimate source addresses, but a hacker can persuade an operating system to use spoofed addresses for the source address.  Spoofed addresses can be used to hide one’s network identity or directly return packets to another host/target. Spoofed addresses can also be used to masquerade as another host which is possibly trusted by the target host. Spoofed addresses have been used in the Internet attacks[1][2], namely Denial of Services (DoS) attack and Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) attack, providing bogus packet flow to hide real source of attack, masquerading, stealth/idle scanning and so on.


The key requirements for IP traceback methods include


  • compatibility with existing network protocols,
  • insignificant network traffic overhead,
  • support for incremental implementation,
  • compatibility with existing routers and network infrastructure,
  • effectiveness against DDoS attacks, and
  • minimal overhead in terms of time and resources.


In practice, backtracking is complicated for many reasons. It is a slow process; the flow must stay active during the traceback (like tracing a phone call); the flow may come from multiple sources and have varying signatures. One or more routers along the path may not have the facility for identifying the upstream source and one may need physical access to some routers to enable backtracking. Router personnel may be unavailable to assist and eventually, one starts to cross into other administrative domains or countries and encounter legal/political obstacles.


One promising solution proposed by Savage etal.[10] is to let routers probabilistically mark packets with partial path information during packet forwarding. The victim then reconstructs the complete path after receiving a modest number of packets that contain the marking. This approach has a low overhead for routers and the network and supports incremental deployment.


2. The Proposed System


Traceback schemes usually rely on router assistance to determine the path followed by the attack packets and eventually identify the attack source. All the approaches referred in [10][4][7][8][13] require a collection of large number of  packets before starting the traceback process.  Our aim  is to identify the source of the spoofed packets and also to prevent the attack at the nearest point to the source in a single ISP domain. This  method is similar to [6] where the network is divided into ISP domains and customers are connected to these ISP domains. In general, there are two types of routers in an ISP domain: internal routers and external routers. Internal routers belong to the ISP domain and external routers belong to the customers or another ISP. Internal routers are divided into two types, based on location, namely, edge routers and transit routers. Edge routers are internal routers that are adjacent to one or more external routers. Transit routers are internal routers that are only adjacent to other internal routers. (See Figure-1)




Figure-1 Types of Routers based on location


In Figure-2 (R0….R6) are edge routers and   (R7,R8,R9) are transit routers. While there is a chance for attack on traffic to originate from the internal routers within the ISP domain (A3 in Figure-1), often most attacks originate from outside the ISP domain and targets the victim which is also outside the ISP domain.  Our aim is to prevent the attack at the nearest point to the source of attack in a single ISP domain.



Figure-2  Single ISP Backbone network.

( R0..R9- Routers, A1..A4-Attacks,V- Victim )


Our system involves a Controller and Agent model. In each ISP domain, we envisage that there exists a controller, which is a trusted entity and is involved in the management of denial of service attacks. In principle, the controller can be implemented on any internal (transit or edge) router or at a dedicated host. The agents are implemented on all the edge routers in the ISP domain. Only the controller has the information about all the agents that are present in the domain. An agent has only the information of its domain controller. Both controller and agents are designed to handle the attacks on multiple victims simultaneously.  It is assumed that the controller is always available and any host is able to contact the controller at any time and no internal routers are compromised.


2.1. Packet Marking

In recent years several packet-marking techniques have been proposed. Since packets are probabilistically marked, the victim would need large number of packets to calculate the total path traversed by the attack on traffic. Even if it is assumed that each packet is marked, it could take a considerable amount of time for the victim to calculate the path, a computation needs to retrieve the 32-bit IP address of the marked router. In general, the time taken to reconstruct the path is dependent on the number of attacking systems, number of parallel paths and length of the path. 



Figure -3 Marking in the identification field of the IP packet header

Any system on the Internet is identified by using a 32-bit IP address. An efficient packet marking technique can be developed by an 8- bit or 16-bit coding instead of 32-bit IP address to identify the system on the Internet.  Our approach is based on the Controller-Agent model and is implemented within the ISP; there is no need to identify each router with its 32-bit IP address as long as the controller can uniquely identify each agent with a different identifier. Each agent in the domain is assigned a 10-bit agent ID against its 32-bit IP address and a 6-bit controller ID is used. So that, a maximum of 1024 (210 ) agent IDs only can be assigned  in a single ISP domain. This information is marked in the identification field of the packet. Figure-3 shows the packet header format.


2.2. Controller Mechanism

The controller can be implemented on a dedicated host or on any one of the transit routers in a domain. It responds to the victim’s request and sends commands to its agents. However in our case, there is no need for the controller to identify the attack. Hence the implementation of the controller is much simpler. The controller can identify its agents using the unique agents’ IDs and all the agents can identify its controller with the controller ID. 


There are two important commands, from the controller to its agents.


1.      The first command is issued to all the agents in the ISP domain, when Controller receives a request from the victim to mark agent ID in the packet. This includes the 32-bit IP address of the victim, 6-bit controller ID, which is same for all the agents.  

2.      The second command is issued when the victim identifies the attack signature based on the agent ID and requests the controller to prevent the attack at the identified agent. The controller retrieves the 32-bit IP address of the agent based on the 10-bit agent ID and commands the particular agent to prevent the traffic that is matching the attack signature.

  1. Mark_Packet(victim address) – to all agents in the domain
  2. Block_Attack_Packet(victim address,  Source address) –command  to particular agent based on agent ID as requested by victim.


2.3. Agent Mechanism

The agents are implemented on all edge routers in a ISP domain. The functions of edge routers will not be disturbed during normal time but the special agent mechanism will be invoked when it receives a command from its controller during attack.   Algorithm-1 shows the implementation of the agent mechanism. When the agent receives the command from its controller, only the victim’s traffic is filtered. The agent will place multiple filters [3] for attack on multiple victims.


There are two important stages in the implementation of agent mechanism as shown in algorithm-1.


Ø      The first stage is invoked when the agent receives a command from its controller to mark the traffic to the victim. The command from the controller gives the information of the victim address, and controller ID. Now the agent dynamically applies a filter with the destination address of the victim and marks the packet with the controller ID and agent ID in the identification field. Packets are marked only by the agent or by the first agent that sees the traffic to the victim. Packets marked by the attacker are identified and eliminated at this stage.

Ø      The second stage is invoked when the agent receives a command from its controller to prevent the attack traffic to the victim. In this stage, the agent drops all the packets that match the attack signature. All the packets that do not match the attack signature are again marked with the controller ID and the agent ID and are destined to the victim. The main reason for marking the packets even if it does not match the attack signature is to enable the victim to identify if there are any changes in the traffic pattern for itself and generate a quick response.


Algorithm -1: 


Mark_Packet(victim ID)

Step : 1 Select the packet which destination address is same as victim ID

Step : 2 Check if packet already  marked then drop.

Step : 3. else mark packet with controller ID and agent ID.


Block_Attack_Traffic(victim ID, Source ID)

1. filter the if packet matches with Attack Signature then drop  

2. else MarkPacket(victim address).


3. System Operation


Controller has to maintain a database about all agent IDs (Table-1). Since agents are deployed on all the edge routers, all the traffic to the victim are marked with the controller ID and agent ID in the identification field of the packet. Since the victim knows the controller ID and agent IDs, it can easily identify different attack signatures. 


Table-1: Database about Agent details


Agent ID

( 10-bits)

Edge router IP address









The victim sends request for marking the packets which are reaching to it. Then controller sends command to all its agents to mark the packets which have victim address as a destination address. All agents will mark its 6-bit controller ID and its ID (10 bits) in the identification field of the packet. Once the victim identifies the attack signature based on the controller ID and agent ID, it sends request message to the controller to prevent attack traffic. After receiving the request from the victim, the controller retrieves the 32-bit IP address of the agent from its database, based on the agent ID’s and sends command to the agent to prevent the attack traffic. The agent who receives this command will start preventing the traffic that matches the attack signature from reaching the victim. Only the traffic that is matching with the attack signature will be dropped at the agent. As the packets are dropped at the edge router, the traffic congestion gets reduced in the domain thereby increasing traffic speed. The traffic that does not match the attack signature will be marked with the controller ID and agent ID.   This is to enable the victim to easily track the changes in attack traffic.  Prevention will be done until the agent receives a reset signal from its controller. However the packets will be marked for an excess amount of time. This is very useful for intermittent type of attacks, where attacking systems do not flood the victim continuously, but send attack traffic at regular intervals. 


The system operates in two ways, Random Packet marking and On-demand Packet marking. In random packet marking, all the agents mark the controller ID and agent ID to all packets in  the regular interval. In this method all edge routers are considerably overloaded by packet marking function.  In on-demand packet marking method, all the agents mark controller ID and agent ID in the identification field of packets which traffic to victim. When there is no attack, the functions of controller and agents are identical.  Approximate source can be traced with a single packet and since all the packets are marked at ingress agent, once attack signatures are identified, prevention of attack traffic is directly near to the attacking source (ingress agent) instead of hop by hop. Each agent needs to check and prevent only the attack signature passing through it. 


Only one packet is enough to identify the approximate source of the packet because it is not to trace the path of the packet. Assume a simple ISP domain which is shown in Figure.-2. Here R7, R8, and R9 are transit routers and R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 and R6 are edge routers. A(i) is the attack traffic from bad sources and P(i) is the normal traffic from legitimate sources to the victim. The path of attacker packets A1,A2 and A3 and normal packets  P1 and P2 are given in below :

A1->R6àR8àR0àV                      A2-> R4àR7àR8àR0àV

A3-> R3àR9àR0àV                     A4-> R1àR0à V

P1-> R5àR7àR8àR0àV            P2-> R2àR9àR0àV


The controller is implemented on transit router R9 and agents are implemented on all the edge routers R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5. Even if source addresses are spoofed, all the attack traffic from A(1) will have agent ID of R6 (which is R6’s unique agent ID) in the identification field. So the victim can easily identify different attack signatures for different attacking systems based on the agent ID (A1 for R6, A2 for R4, A3 for R3 and A4 for R1) and request the controller to prevent the attack at the identified agent.   Since the victim identifies that P1 and P2 are good traffic, the agents at R5 and R2 will not receive any command to prevent traffic. Hence, the poor traffic is completely protected.

4. Simulation


We have carried out the simulation experiments to evaluate the proposed scheme using NS-2 simulator [15]. The snapshot of the simulator is given in the Figure-4. Let us assume that, the controller is implemented in node-1 and agents are implemented in the edge router node-5 to node-12).



Figure-4 : Snapshot of the simulator.

Box – Transit router (0-4), Hexagon – Edge router(5- 12) and

Circle-Customer node(13-18 Source nodes and 19,20 Victims)


The node-18 sends packets to the node-19 with spoofed source address as node-17. Node-19(victim) will send reply to node-17 based on the source address in the packets because victim does not know the original source. This is one type of attack. In this case we have to find the origin of the packets. Here routers 10,3,0,2 and 8 are involved to transfer the packets from node-18 to the destination node-19. In PPM method, to trace the path of the packets, the victim has to know the addresses of all the routers where the packets have passed through so that, the routers have to mark its identification information in the packet. More number of marked packets is required to reconstruct the path. In our system, only edge router-10 will mark its agent ID into the packet and send it to the destination. All other routers will do its normal function. After identifying the attack signature, the victim sends request to the controller to identify the edge router-10 and block the forthcoming packets. The controller identifies the IP address of edge router-10 from its database and sends command to edge router-10 to block the packets which has the attack signature.


5. Analysis


The proposed system introduces packet marking and packet dropping. In this section, the proposed system is compared (Table-2) with Probabilistic Packet Marking (PPM-originally introduced in [10], this scheme was improved in several different ways[8][9][12]), ICMP traceback[5][11] (which takes a different approach in determining the full path of the attack), Overlay Network[6] and Hash-based IP traceback system [14].


Table 2- Comparison of traceback systems



This proposed scheme possesses the following merits.

·        It is easy to implement,

·        ISP involvement is more,

·        Packet marking  by only one router,

·        No computation in the victim side to trace the packets ,

·        It is suitable for a variety of attacks (DoS and DDoS) ,

·        It has low processing and no bandwidth overhead and

·        It is scalable (i.e. the amount of additional configuration on other devices needed to add a single device to the scheme)


The limitation of the proposed system is to traceback and eliminates the spoofed packets with in a ISP domain


6. Conclusion 


The scheme proposed in this paper is relatively simple and is suitable for incremental deployment. The Controller-Agent design does not require extra intelligence to identify the attack signatures. This scheme is not limited by the number of attackers, but by the number of agents and the infrastructure of the ISP domain. The proposed scheme will be invoked as soon as the controller receives information from the victim. The response time for traceback and prevention is mainly dependent on how quickly the victim can identify when it is under attack and  the changes in attack traffic patterns.   This approach enables an automated process that can identify the approximate source of attack with a single packet, even in the case of spoofed source address and prevents the attack at that point. It can identify different attack signatures for each source and prevents only the attack traffic.



[1].        Computer Emergency Response Team, “CERT Advisory CA-98.01: Smurf IP Denial-of-Service Attack via pings,”

[2].        Computer Emergency Response Team, “CERT Advisory CA-92.21: TCP SYN Flooding and IP Spoofing Attacks,”

[3].        P. Ferguson and D.Seneie: Network Ingress Filtering Defeating Denial of Service Attacks which employ IP source Address spoofing, RFC 2267, January 1998

[4].        H. Burch and B. Cheswick, “Tracing Anonymous Packets to Their Approximate Source,” Proc. USENIX LISA, 2000, pp. 319–327.

[5].        S. M. Bellovin, “ICMP Traceback Messages,” IETF draft, 2000;

[6].        R. Stone, “Centertrack: An IP Overlay Network for Tracking DoS Floods,” Proc. 9th USENIX Sec. Symp., 2000, pp. 199–212.

[7].        Drew Dean, Matt Franklin and Adam Stubbledield, “An Algebraic Approach to IP traceback”, In proceedings of NDSS’01, February 2001,

[8].        D. X. Song and A. Perrig, “Advanced and Authenticated Marking Schemes for IP Traceback,  Proc. INFOCOM, 2001, vol. 2, pp. 878–886.

[9].        Kihong Park, Heejo Lee, "On the Effectiveness of Probabilistic Packet Marking for IP Traceback under Denial of Service Attack," IEEE INFOCOM 2001

[10].   S. Savage, David Wetherall, Anna Karlin and Tom Anderson, “Practical Network Support for IP traceback,  IEEE/ACM Transaction, Network, Vol.9 no. 3 June 2001, PP. 226-237.

[11].   Allison Mankin, Dan Massey,Chie Lung Wu, S. Felix Wu, Lixia Zhang, “On Design and Evaluation of "Intention-Driven ICMP Traceback,” 10th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IC3N'2001), Arizona, October 2001

[12].   Micah Adler, "Tradeoffs in Probabilistic Packet Marking for IP Traceback," In Proceedings of the Theory of Computing, 2002

[13].   John Ioannidis, Steven M. Bellovin, "Implementing Pushback: Router-Based Defense Against DDoS Attacks", In Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, NDSS '02, February 2002

[14].   A. C. Snoeren et al., “Single-Packet IP Traceback,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Net., vol. 10, no. 6, Dec. 2002,  pp. 721–734.

[15].   NS-2 simulator:



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